

My dear Friend and president, DJT,

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            How was the service yesterday at Bethesda-by-the-Sea? It's nice that Tiffany and her BF could join you. I hope the parishiners didn't mind having to wait in long lines to get in to the church. I understand that Rev. Harlan preached, ""Let's make sure we're not being old dogs, unable or unwilling to learn and see something new." I think that's a message we could all use. Don't you think? 

         I am finding it hard to embrace the message of Easter this year. The fire at Nortre Dam, the bombings in Sri Lanka, families suffering on the border and my husband's diminished health have me feeling doubtful. Fortunately, when my hope wanes, something wonderful happens, like my squash seeds germinate or someone leaves homemade soup for us, and my soul is renewed. Singing the song, "There is a Balm in Gilead" also helps.

         I hope your soul is renewed and that your time with kids rolling eggs at the WH today will rejuevnate your spirit and take some of your angst away.




