

My dear Friend and president, DJT,



            How was your golfing moment with Kai? You both looked tickled pink in the photo that DJT Jr. posted on Facebook. Did you play together or just get your photo taken? Her dad says she's pretty good. 

            As I was looking for news about you this morning I encountered the word, "jamoke." Have you ever heard that one? David Von Drehle (DVD) used it in his humorous column, "Trump is Lucky. Putin is Luckier." He wrote, "All the schemers, crackpots and opportunists drifting through Trump’s ragtag campaign — the Michael Cohens, the Roger Stones, ... , the Paul Manaforts — try as they might, could not mire him in a prosecutable felony. Even Trump appears to have figured that this team of jamokes would be his doom." According to Wiktionary, a jamoke is "slang for someone who lack(s) mental abilities beyond that of a cup of coffee." I didn't know that a cup of coffee had mental abilities.

            DVD is not the only columnist to opine about the Mueller Report. You should read Asha Rangappa's detailed explanation about how you and Russia engaged in "psychological manipulation through disinformation." She's worried that that you are "Undermining the integrity of law enforcement (which) is a double boon for Russia, which seeks to erode Americans’ confidence in our institutions and constrain our ability to stop their efforts."  The most surprising piece appeared in the WSJ where Aruna Viswanatha, Rebecca Ballhaus and Byron Tau claimed that the report shows how you are "indifferent to facts" and "unwilling to take on tough tasks." They noted that you have"an imprecise relationship with the truth." I find it hard to believe that the WSJ would print such things. But there you have it. As I am sure you aware they also printed  Kimberley A. Strassel's piece so your fans can find something to like in today's WSJ.

            My dog is howling like the world is going to end so I'd better figure out what's wrong.





