

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

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            You are having a press conference in the Rose Garden right this minute. Now you are explaining your wonderful relationship with Kim Jong Un. In the time that it took me to write that last sentence, you have gone on to the topic of Syria. I am having trouble following you. Now you are back to talking about the beautiful letter that you got from KJU. 

            Do you really "like him a lot?" My Quaker beliefs remind me that while you should look for that of God in KJU, you also need to bear witness to his demons. So, when you see KJU in Vietnam at the end of the month, after you talk through nuclear issues, remind him that he made a big mistake having those women assassinate his half-brother. You might also encourage him to stop the human rights abuses described in the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) report including murder, imprisonment, rape and sexual violence.Friends don't let friends commit atrocities.

            It's not too late to change your mind about this state of emergency thing. Even your buddies at the WSJ think you are making a mistake! They think that you are misusing your power and that you will be "stymied well into 2020." Maybe that's the best outcome of all. 55 miles of fence on the border, which can easily be taken down in the future when folks are no longer paranoid, and 55 lawyers getting rich arguing the case in court.

            I learned today that Presidents declare States of Emergency a lot! As you know we've had 15 in the last 10 years. This one is nothing like the majority of those, 13 of which began with the words, "Blocking the property of certain persons..." I guess this Border Emergency will be blocking the property of land owners so maybe it is just like all of the others. You can be sure that those land owners will be suing you, but as you said, "This is America — everybody sues everybody else." Done deal!

            Enjoy your trip to FLA.




