

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            It's hard to believe that you have been eclipsed! Those guys in VA have grabbed all the headlines. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has a couple of her own. My go-to outlets only had a couple of articles on their front pages with your name in them. What a relief, that for the first time in a long time, you aren't stirring things up right now. 

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            According to the WSJ, steel companies are still discombobulated from your tariff concoction and are having trouble investing in their futures because they don't know what'll happen next. Jennifer Senior opined in the NYT that, "Trump chaos, both intentional and otherwise, has proved a great de facto political strategy, precisely because we are neurologically incapable of handling it." Poor Michael Cohen is suffering more than most due to your volatility, at least that's what today's WP feature about him indicated.  

            So, I am hoping that rather than being an anomaly, today is the first day of a calmer presidency. No more shut downs or put downs, just an occasional story about a spending initiative or a new regulation. That would be nice, and loving you would be so much easier.

            I hope you take a minute to read John Dingell's parting words that appear in the WP today. He reflects on the important things Congress has accomplished in his tenure. He also cautions us that, "elected officials do not have power. They hold power — in trust for the people who elected them." Perhaps you are beginning to understand that.

            Peace be with you,




