

My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

            You must be exhausted after your 3-day junket to London. Did you see the protester in her Statue of Liberty costume? You have to admit that was pretty clever!

            How did the 2%er lunch go? It's too bad that ABdPJ was too busy to attend. Did all of those little countries share stories about their nasty next door neighbors? Did Estonia PM Juri Ratas brag about the new CV9035NL artic tanks that he procured from Sweden to protect Narva from VVP? Did Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis ask folks to send their navies to the Aegean Sea to keep RTE at bay? Did you all help Romanian President KWI figure out how to modernize?

I wish there were some women at that table!


  Have fun at the Christmas tree lighting,




