

My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

            Are you getting ready for your trip to London for NATO? Can you help me understand why the NHS workers are planning a demonstration against you? What does a UK-USA trade deal have to do with the NHS? Do you think the NHS delivers better health care than our system? Speaking of health, how is yours these days?

            How do you like all of these questions?

            Do you regret your pardon of Chief Petty Officer Galagher? Do you agree with the NYT's assertion that you have "a finely-honed sense of grievance against authority"? Do you think that might come from being sent to the principal's office too frequently?

            Have you read the article in the CSM about the women involved in the House Intelligence impeachment hearings who are "calmly showcasing their experience, expertise, and political savvy in a high-stakes affair that has nothing to do with gender?"

            Do you prefer the shorter letters I have been sending lately?

            What are you grateful for?




