

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            Did you hear that VA is now "blue"? Isn't it exciting? They have their first Muslim state senator, Ghazala Hashmi, who is ready to improve the educational system, control guns and fund healthcare. KY isn't blue yet, but they do have a blue governor. Interestingly, they also have their first Black Attorney General who happens to be red. A blue pro-life White woman, Jacqueline Coleman, will replace a red education activist, Jenean Hampton, as Lt. Gov. And the lady, Juli Briskman, who lost her job in 2017 for giving you the finger while riding her bike, turned a red seat blue on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. Times they are a changing.

            I hope you enjoy your visit to LA today. They've got some air quality issues there caused by the petrochemical industry. You might want to wear a mask and encourage your guy, Eddie Rispone, to include something about pollution in his campaign platform. The poor folk living near those refineries need some help.

            I hope you have a great day!




