

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            I was sorry to read in the WP this morning that Pat Cipollone (PAC) and Mick Mulvaney (JMM) aren't getting along. It seems they've got their signals crossed. It seems that JMM has everyone mad at him including John Bolton. Perhaps Pam Bondi will be able to straighten things out. According to Peter Schorsch writing in the Flapol, "she’s empathetic, genuine and personable," so she may have the grace to settle things down in the WH. Her legal experience as FLA AG, will enable her to talk shop with PAC, and her lobbying skills should help her persuade JMM. LOG thinks she's a great addition. It's too bad this impeachment thing is getting so ugly.

            Are you sure you want to spend time with Pres. Erdoğan (RTP) tomorrow? The NYT claims that he's using his son-in-law's friendship with your son-in-law to stay in your good graces. I'm not sure that's a prudent approach to foreign policy. What ever happened to those economic sanctions that we had imposed on Turkey for trading with Iran? If you must meet with him, please be polite but don't sell him any weapons. He doesn't need any more of those.

            Have fun down on Wall Street today. Please remind your buddies down there that money can't buy you love.





