

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            So, how's the Big Apple? Did you get a good night's rest in your old bed? I hope you enjoy your day in the city and will get a chance to step outside, maybe take a walk around Central Park. The energy of that place is always so invigorating! I hope that tomorrow's 100th annual Veteran's Day parade can be a time of contemplating the cost of war and honoring those whose lives have been affected by our misguided attempts to solve our problems through violence.

            It's too bad that you weren't in DC yesterday to see your gift from Die Offene Gesellschaft (The Open Society). I'm sure that you've heard that they sent you a piece of the Berlin Wall with a message of thanks to the USA for its "dedication to building a world without walls" and the reminder that "no wall lasts forever." I hope you'll display the fragment in a prominent spot. Apparently, folks in South Korea are almost as excited about the 30th anniversary of the fall of the wall as the Berliners are. Of course, they'd love to see their wall come down, too. I know the feeling.

            Were you as surprised as I was by the warm reception you received at yesterday's game? Who would guess that over 100,000 LSU and Alabama fans would be so happy to see you? They must not be too upset about the impeachment thing. It looks like it was an exciting game.

            Maybe you'll pop over to 5th Ave Presbyterian this morning for the 11:00 Service. Pastor Werner Ramirez is sermonizing about learning to love youth. Since you've been so troubled by Greta, I think you'd benefit from hearing his message.





