

Oct 5, 2019

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            I tried to find news about the Wounded Warriors that you visited yesterday but I came up empty. I hope that you brought some happiness to those folks at Walter Reed Medical Center who have returned home less than whole. As you know, I'm not a fan of the military and keep wondering why we have to spend more on it than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, France, India, UK & Germany combined spend on theirs. Can you help me understand why we do that? Sgt. 1st Class, Jeremy Griffin, is the most recent casualty of our military operations, and today, the whole state of TN is having a day of mourning for him. I hope you'll call his wife and 2 kids and express condolences for all of us.

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            How was the Young Black Leadership Summit yesterday? Was JDRC there? Did you blush when Candace Owens said that you'd found the fountain of youth and looked younger now than when you got into office? Don't you think that was a bit over the top?

            What's up with the Polish Visa thing? Why do Polish people get to come into the USA without a visa when anyone from South of the Border has to have one? Will the folks coming in from Poland have to show that they can pay for health care? I think they have murderers and rapists in Poland. Are you worried that we might be letting in some criminals?

            I've got stuff to do so I better go.




