

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

            Did you miss me yesterday? I had to leave the house at 7:00 so I would be on time to explore volume with the 5th graders. They did a great job!

            I am going to keep it short today - time is precious and today is going to be FUN! My brilliant undergraduates are doing book reports. My magnificent doctoral students will be telling me about their research endeavors and my neighbors will be stopping by to get candy. My daughter's BFF is visiting. It's ALL good.

            Can you tell I'm still on a high from the Nat's improbable win last night? Isn't it great that the "viejos" finally won! As Barry Svrluga's wrote in the WP today, "there was no doubt, just hope." Please give Howie Hendrick a call and congratulate him on his game changing homerun. He seems like a super nice guy and deserves some recognition. I find it somewhat disturbing that we can get so uplifted by a sport, but I'll take a lift wherever I can find it.

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            Speaking of trick-or-treating, it's too bad that you and Melania put candy bars on the head of the child in the Minion costume. It appeared as if you were having fun at the child's expense. I'm sure you did not intend harm, but next year you might try sticking to the business of depositing candy in the child's receptacle, making a kind remark about the child's costume and smiling a lot. Avoid trying to be funny. It often ends badly.

            You don't have any public events planned for the day so maybe you're going to have some fun, too. I hope you don't dwell on this impeachment thing too much.

            Remember, no doubt, just hope!




