

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

I'm sorry to hear that the WH is a lonely place for you. At least that's the impression that I got from reading the NYT's top story today, "A War Every Day, Waged Increasingly Alone." It doesn't have to be that way, but changing things will require you to do some deep soul searching. There are lots of folks standing ready to help you with that if you let go a little bit. It might help you to adopt the Quaker belief that there is that of God in everyone. Keeping that in mind will help you to treat each person you meet with reverence. From what I read in today's NYT, that has not been your style. They noted that you call your advisors, "f__ing idiots." That's unkind and unproductive. It would be best to keep those thoughts to yourself.

I hope your lunch yesterday was helpful to you. I'm glad that you have Shahira Knight. According to Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio she's trustworthy and someone who stands by her word. I think you need more folk like Shahira on your staff. Then you might not feel so lonely.

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I'm glad that Melania decided to return to DC to spend Christmas with you. I hope Barron comes back, too. It looks like you are having a beautiful day there today. Maybe you all could get outside and enjoy a peaceful walk to clear your heads. I encourage you to listen to 2 songs called "Let Go, Let God" to get some inspiration to help you through the next weeks.




