

Dear Donald,

Do you mind me calling you Donald? You are my friend, aren't you? I would hope that you consider every citizen your friend, even those who disparage you. I'm sure that's hard so I will continue to offer you suggestions on how to be more amicable and upbeat even if I never get a response back from you.

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How was the party last night? The only news of it was in the Daily Caller describing Melania as dazzling in her sleeveless black dress. No fake news there. It's too bad that Melania feels attacked by the press. Stephanie Grisham's CNN opinion piece did a good job of pointing out all Melania's efforts to draw attention to children's hospitals and babies born addicted to opioids. Every First Lady has her denigrators, so please tell Melania to not take criticism personally.

Do you think Mike Flynn will get jail time? According to the WSJ, he's always been a dare devil doing "bold and borderline reckless" things. It's too bad that he chose to lie to the FBI. You'd think an intelligence officer would know better. I wonder if he knew about the Russian efforts to send phony Instagram messages to unsuspecting 18-year olds. Apparently, those crafty Russian trolls were more insidious than we imagined. Please get Kirstjen Nielsen busy addressing that issue.

Gerald Seib thinks MN Sen. Amy Klobuchar should run against you. I guess I better find out more about her. I think you need a rest so I am hoping that you don't get reelected. I want to know which of the Dems is most likely to beat you. They need to get going NOW to have a head start on their campaign. My colleague thinks Kamala Harris is too radical to be elected. What do you think?




